All About Cancer and Conquering Disease with Living Food
Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N.
Did you know that what you eat could be making you sick? It's true. Some foods clog your body with energy-depleting fats, toxins, and chemicals. Where can you find the optimum nourishment your body needs to stay strong, healthy, and vigorous? For millions of people, the answer is in the health and healing properties of living foods—foods that are eaten raw and produced without dangerous, nutrient-robbing chemicals or additives. For more than forty years, Brian Clement has been teaching people how to cleanse and heal their bodies with naturally potent living foods. Brian explains why living foods are vital to good health.
Connect with The Real Truth About Health Passionate believers in whole food plant based diets, no chemicals, minimal pharmaceutical drugs, no GMO's. Fighting to stop climate change and extinction.
Killing Cancer with Cannabis
Museum of Science | Boston, MA October 1st, 2018
The Museum of Science welcomes David "Dedi" Meiri, PhD, a biologist and director of the Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Cannabinoid Research at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, and Bonni Goldstein, MD, a physician who specializes in Cannabis Medicine, medical director of Canna-Centers, and author of Cannabis Revealed: How the world's most misunderstood plant is treating everything from chronic pain to epilepsy.
In conversation with Kara Miller, host and executive editor of WGBH Radio's Innovation Hub.
Funding provided by the Reno Family Foundation Fund. This program is free thanks to the generosity of the Lowell Institute.